Laurie Spiegel is an American engineer, musician, and artist. She played an influential role in the development of electronic music in the 1980s. Her work takes inspiration from the beauty and vastness of the natural world.

Portrait of Laurie Spiegel

By Carlo Carnivali

Poster on a pink background


The mandate of this project was to create a concert poster followed by a vinyl album. The poster was developed first and the album was designed using it as a blueprint.

Detail of type used in project.
A detail of teh colours used in the project.


After researching Spiegel’s life, education, and creative process, extensive listening to the album aided in developing a visual approach to the poster. Using a photo of rocks rendered with a halftone effect, various Photoshop brushes were used to create lines that were then layered over the type. Oversized type that often goes off the edge is paired with very small type to create contrast. The album follows this approach as well, using the organic shape on the poster as a die-cut.

Black and white halftone photo of rocks.


The final pieces were inspired by the sweeping compositions juxtaposed with the heavy auditory textures of Unseen Worlds, resulting in dynamic and layered designs.